Manabadi® is India’s largest exam preparation destination, loved by millions of aspirants across the country. Through our website and app, we help more than 1.1 crore registered students to prepare actively for various exams & score better.
At our heart lies the belief that people prepare better when they prepare together; by questioning, helping & challenging each other. Hence at the very core of our being lies a community of students & expert mentors. Established in the year 2010, we have established & nurtured highly engaging exam-specific communities of students and mentors for SSC, Banking, Railways, Teaching, JEE, GATE, NEET, UPSC, Defense, and State level exams. The Manabadi® community lets users collectively solve each other’s doubts, and interactively learn and compete with each other through quizzes and mock tests. It gives them access to prep material & previous years papers to score better in their exams.
We also appreciate the value of structured preparation, not just the quantity of it but also the approach. It is only by preparing actively every day & making small but significant headways can one ensure continuous improvement.
Manabadi® Has Millions Of Users Base Monthly
Manabadi® Has a Very Strong User Base in India. With Brand Search Of 4,00,000 Every Month